My ABCs Build Confidence: Always Be Courageous

by Lauretha Brown Ward

Our children’s view of themselves begins with their self-talk.

How many children go through a period of feeling like they don’t measure up, they don’t fit in, or no one likes them? And how do we flip the script?

We declare with & over our children what God says about them:

  • I am who God says I am
  • I am becoming who God says I can become
  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Our children are a gift from God & what we deposit in them, be it good or bad, will bear fruit.

My ABCs Build Confidence: Always Be Courageous is a great way to start depositing the good!

ISBN: 978-1-68401-316-6

Bundle Up: get the My ABCs Build Confidence: Always Be Courageous Coloring Book and My ABCs Build Confidence: Always Be Courageous bundle for just $17.00.

Imprint: Mascot Kids
SKU: 04-1710-01
Categories:Concepts, Mascot Kids, Self-Esteem and Confidence