The Healthcare Labyrinth: A Guide to Navigating Health Plans and Fixing American Health Insurance

The Healthcare Labyrinth is not just a comprehensive guide to navigating health plans – it offers a blueprint for fixing our broken healthcare system.

The American health insurance system is anything but easy to maneuver. Health plan enrollees are entangled in a maze of confusion, often resulting in regret, frustration, and deep debt.

In The Healthcare Labyrinth, health plan and healthcare technology veteran Marc S. Ryan demystifies the U.S. healthcare system, helping Americans become wiser consumers and allowing them to navigate the maze with more clarity.

Marc walks through how the system operates, tracing the dysfunction, high costs, and lack of quality to three core issues:

  • a lack of affordable universal access;
  • little focus on wellness, prevention, and care management; and
  • outrageous pricing, especially compared to other developed nations.

Using his decades of experience, Marc outlines a bipartisan blueprint to transform America’s unique system without dismantling the employer-based system. He relies on leading academic, research, and mainstream media sources from across the political spectrum to examine the U.S. healthcare system and compare it to those of other developed nations.

ISBN: 978-1-64543-993-6
SKU: 08-909-01
Categories:Amplify Publishing, Healthcare and Medical, RealClear Publishing, Timely Politics and Current Affairs